Security by design

Excellent security need not break the bank, nor reduce functionality.

Secure SDLC

Secure software development is easier than ever

Get your software development processes secure from start to finish with our Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SSDLC) services.  

Whether you use tools like Github Actions, AWS CodePipeline, or Azure Pipelines, your code can be compiled and reviewed for vulnerabilities at every check-in.  Netglass can assist you with getting your code continuously secured, and up to date as new vulnerabilities emerge.


Security Orchestration

Security orchestration, automation, and response

SOAR technologies streamline security operations and enhance incident response. Neglass assesses your security infrastructure, identifying tools for orchestration and automation. We integrate these tools into a cohesive SOAR strategy to avoid "IT alert overload", providing a clear view of threats for rapid decision-making.

We also develop customized playbooks for consistent incident responses, reducing human error. Partner with us to implement SOAR, enhance your security posture, and stay ahead of evolving threats.

Penetration Testing

Penetration testing as a continuous process 

In today's evolving threat environment, robust defenses need more than occasional testing. Our consulting service focuses on an ongoing threat mitigation process. We help you choose the best pentest tools for comprehensive coverage and accurate vulnerability assessments. Our experts integrate these tools into your security infrastructure, offering hands-on guidance and training.

We provide regular reviews and updates to your security protocols, ensuring they keep pace with the threat landscape. We promote a proactive security culture, fostering continuous improvement and vigilance. With our expertise, penetration testing becomes a core part of your security strategy, strengthening your defenses and protecting your critical assets.


attack surface reduction
Attack Surface Reduction

Shrink your attack surface to minimize threats

To effectively mitigate risks, conducting a thorough audit of your business's functional areas is essential. This process provides a deep understanding of potential attack vectors specific to your operational environment. By identifying vulnerabilities and mapping out how attackers could exploit them, you can develop a targeted strategy to enhance your security posture.

Implementing advanced technologies plays a critical role in this strategy. Utilizing Azure Bastion and Azure Virtual Desktop ensures secure access points, eliminating the need for open RDP ports, which are no longer industry standard due to their vulnerability to attacks. Additionally, "just in time" access procedures limit exposure by granting permissions only when necessary. These measures collectively strengthen your defenses, reducing the attack surface and safeguarding your organization's critical assets against sophisticated threats.

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